Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Towards the Mountains of Madness

I am rubbing my hands together in glee at the moment and Dale is busily preparing to start running 'Beyond the Mountains of Madness' for our Call of Cthulhu group.

Based on the Lovecraft novella At the Mountains of Madness, this is widely regarded as one of the best RPG campaigns ever published for any system. A long and hard journey to a forbidden Antarctic world await the characters, who face not only the environmental challenges, but also the mythos horrors that reside in that frozen wasteland. In other words, a hell of a lot of fun!

I am looking forward to taking my New England author Michael St Croix and matching him against this challenge. It should prove some great opportunities for role playing and character development, as well as some nice dramatic parts as well. I've also got some nice ideas for a back up character - an obsessed astronomer - if things get really bad.

I am also going to encourage Dale to take advantage of the amazing props available for this campaign at the Propnomicon site, which I have mentioned previously, as they are simply amazing (such as this photo I have included shows).

Who would have thought I would be so keen to experiences those lurking terrors hidden beyond the ice!


  1. Turns out the butler did it.

  2. That is what you get when you employ cheap Shoggoth labour

  3. Thank you for the very kind words. BTMOM has its flaws, but its arguably the crowning achievement of the hobby. I would heartily recommend reading Christian Lehmann's campaign notes at Yog-Sothoth for anyone planning to run it as a keeper:

    If there's anything I can help with please don't hesitate to ask.
